Charge Air Coolers in Calgary

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Installing Your Charge Air Coolers

City Wide Radiator supplies premium quality charge air coolers that can enhance the performance of your engine. A new charge air cooler can improve your vehicle’s horsepower and fuel economy.

Just like other engine components, your charge air cooler is susceptible to unwanted wear and tear over time. Heat stress and vibration take a toll, which results in leakage and reduced cooling efficiency.

Our full-time technicians are equipped with the skills to carry out efficient charge air cooler installations. You can also get your cooling systems repaired with us. We will ensure you receive prompt and reliable services for your charge air coolers in Calgary.

Contact us today to request a quote.

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Our Charge Air Cooler Services

If you drive in or around Calgary, we want to ensure your charge air cooling needs are being met. Call or stop by our 12,000 sq. ft. modern service centre for friendly advice, comprehensive coverage, and reliable Dura-Lite products available for most applications.

Our team offers:

  • Quick installations for reduced costly downtime
  • Factory-backed warranties
  • North American warranty coverage
  •  7-year/1,000,000-mile warranty on most Dura-Lite products
  • Product coverage for 600 diesel production parts
  • Improved performance that can save you around $4,420 per year

How Does the Cooling System Work?

The charge air cooler works on the same principle as radiators or heat exchangers. Air on its way to the engine first passes through the turbocharger, where it is compressed using exhaust gases. The compression of the air increases its temperature. 

A charge air cooler is used to bring down the temperature of the air before it enters the engine for combustion.

Charge air coolers, also known as air-to-air coolers, work by transferring heat from hot compressed air to cooler ambient air. Hot air travels through tubes within the cooler, while cooler air flows over the outside of those tubes. This efficient design allows the heat to be dissipated from the compressed air, significantly lowering its temperature.

These units are made of materials that qualify as good conductors. Therefore, when hot air passes through these charge air coolers, the heat is dissipated, and the air is cooled down.

Thus, a charge air cooler effectively cools the engine inlet air for improved fuel combustion.

Do Charge Air Coolers Need Replacement?

Wear and tear, breakdown, and failure are common to charge air coolers, just as they are to every other engine component. Air cooler leaks are the primary reasons for the failure of charge air coolers. In the case of leaks, every engine’s performance and fuel efficiency are severely impacted.

In some cases, engine horsepower can even decrease by 50%. To prevent such inefficiency, the replacement of the charge air cooler becomes important.

Detecting a leak in the charge air cooler can be difficult. Some signs that point to a possible failure of the unit include: 

  • Increased fuel consumption
  • Increased particulate emissions
  • Increased temperature of coolants
  • Failure of the turbocharger
  • Massive horsepower loss

The constant exposure to stress, vibrations, and overheating takes a toll on the charge air cooler units and causes failure. Most charge air coolers need to be replaced every 3 to 5 years.

Can Charge Air Coolers Be Serviced?

The good news is that It is possible to provide preventive maintenance for the cooling systems. Timely maintenance and repairs can extend the lifespan of charge air coolers to a certain extent. When you get the air cooler cleaned and serviced regularly, detecting an air leak is much easier.

In fact, air leaks can be detected before they can cause much damage, thereby saving you costly replacements.

Comprehensive Air Cooler Services

Not only do we sell charge air coolers, but we also provide the following:

  • Quality repairs
  • Chemical cleaning and testing
  • New cores

It is crucial to keep your equipment running efficiently to continue smooth operation with well-functioning charge air coolers (and more) from City Wide Radiator. Contact us today to request a quote and get started.

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Our Location

Contact Information

Toll Free:  1-800-661-8620

Our Address

  • 4420 Blackfoot Trail SE
  • Calgary, AB T2G 4E9

Hours of Operation

7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
By Appointment Only

Where to Find Us

You can find us on Blackfoot Trail right before 42 Ave. SE. You won’t miss our sign! We look forward to seeing you at City Wide Radiator.

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