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Are Engine Coolant & Radiator Fluid The Same?

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A close-up image of a mechanic's hands fixing a radiator.

Car engines are often much more complicated than people think at first. To keep themselves cool, they rely heavily on a complex internal system linked to the radiator, designed to remove hot air while keeping the engine at ideal temperatures. This system relies on engine coolant.

Engine coolant, often called “radiator fluid,” is the liquid circulating through a car engine to remove excess heat and prevent overheating. It is an essential part of your car’s engine and a crucial player in keeping your vehicle on the road.

What Is Engine Coolant?

As you drive your vehicle, the engine generates significant heat. This heat needs to be managed effectively to prevent the engine from overheating, which can lead to severe damage and costly repairs. One of the key components in managing this heat is the radiator.

The radiator works by transferring the heat from the engine to the outside air. It achieves this through a cycle where the coolant absorbs the heat from the engine, travels to the radiator, releases the heat into the air, and then recirculates back to the engine.

So, what makes all this possible? The answer is engine coolant, also commonly referred to as radiator fluid. This specialized liquid flows through the engine and radiator, effectively managing the heat and keeping the engine operating at optimal temperatures to prevent damage to the engine.

The Different Types of Engine Coolant

There is more than just one type of engine coolant; there are 3 key types, each formulated to meet specific requirements and offer unique benefits. While all options aim to fulfill a specific purpose, they are not a universal option between vehicles.

The 3 types of engine coolant include:

  • Inorganic additive technology (IAT)
  • Organic acid technology (OAT)
  • Hybrid organic acid technology (HOAT)

Inorganic Acid Technology

This is the oldest fluid type; most older cars use IAT engine coolant. This needs to be changed roughly every 2 years, though it is often advised to change it sooner if you drive often. This is rarely used in newer cars. You can identify IAT fluid due to its bright green colour.

Organic Acid Technology

OAT coolant is a modern coolant. This is typically orange or red, though this can change depending on the manufacturer.

This formula has built-in chemical compounds designed to prevent corrosion throughout the radiator and usually lasts up to 5 years before it needs to be changed.

Hybrid Organic Acid Technology

The third type of engine coolant, HOAT, combines both IAT and OAT coolants. It contains additives to inhibit rust while including components designed to increase the protection of your radiator. Often identifiable by a pink or purple colour, this balanced approach to engine coolant can last anywhere between 5 and 10 years.

If you are unsure at any point what engine coolant is ideal for your vehicle, reach out to an experienced heat transfer specialist near you to verify the right choice.

What Happens if You Are Low on Engine Coolant?

Running low on engine coolant can spell disaster for your vehicle. Remember—this coolant helps maintain the engine’s internal temperature so it does not overheat. If you are ever low on coolant levels, your engine can quickly reach dangerous temperatures, leading to:

  • Engine damage: Overheating can cause serious damage to engine components, including the cylinder head and engine block.
  • Reduced performance: An overheated engine may not perform optimally, leading to reduced fuel efficiency and overall performance.
  • Increased wear and tear: Insufficient cooling can accelerate the wear and tear on engine components, shortening the lifespan of your vehicle.

It is always crucial to regularly maintain your radiator to prevent potential problems on the road.

How to Maintain a Radiator

To keep your vehicle on the road, it is essential to keep an eye on your radiator. This way, you can keep the engine running cool, efficiently, and effectively.

First, it helps to keep an eye on your coolant levels. Try to check them every few months—being thorough helps. Make sure that they are within the recommended range, and top them off as necessary with the appropriate type of coolant.

A close-up image of a mechanic topping off a radiator tank with purple coolant.

It also helps to:

  • Inspect for leaks or any signs of damage, like corrosion, puddles under the vehicle, or sudden drops in coolant levels.
  • Regularly flush the radiator, as contaminants and debris can significantly impact its efficiency.
  • Check the radiator cap to make sure it is sealing properly. A damaged or loose cap can lead to coolant loss and decreased cooling efficiency.
  • Inspect the cooling fans to make sure they are functioning properly. Faulty cooling fans can lead to inadequate airflow through the radiator, causing the engine to overheat.
  • Examine the coolant hoses for any signs of wear, cracks, or bulges. Replace any damaged hoses promptly to prevent leaks and promote optimal coolant flow.

This way, you can keep the engine running well—without the risk of overheating. If you ever notice anything unusual or damaged during your inspection, contact a team of experienced professionals near you to discuss repairs. 

Your Radiator Serviced with City Wide Radiator

Your vehicle’s cooling system is crucial for maintaining engine health and performance, and regular maintenance and repairs can prevent costly damage later on. If you notice any signs of radiator trouble or if it is time for a routine check-up, contact our team at City Wide Radiator. Our expert heat transfer specialists are here to make sure your radiator—and your engine—run smoothly.

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Citywide Radiator

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