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Category: Radiator Maintenance

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Can Aluminum Radiators Be Repaired?

a picture of a brand new aluminum radiator with a black background.

Engine Radiator Repair – Essential Knowledge There are various methods to “repair” radiators, but not all are beneficial for the radiator’s longevity. Whether you’re considering a DIY repair or simply curious about the process, we will explain our approach to radiator repairs. Understanding the differences between radiator types is crucial, especially between those made of […]

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Are Engine Coolant & Radiator Fluid The Same?

A close-up image of a mechanic's hands fixing a radiator.

Car engines are often much more complicated than people think at first. To keep themselves cool, they rely heavily on a complex internal system linked to the radiator, designed to remove hot air while keeping the engine at ideal temperatures. This system relies on engine coolant. Engine coolant, often called “radiator fluid,” is the liquid […]

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Why Do Radiators Go Bad & How To Recore

Your radiator is a crucial part of maintaining your vehicle’s temperature. But that doesn’t mean that it’s always going to work perfectly. Like any other part of an engine, you may reach a point where your radiator needs to be repaired by a professional. But why do radiators go bad, and how do you recore them? Radiators […]

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Signs You May Need a Radiator Flush

When your car’s getting hot under the hood, you need to keep your cool. A sudden increase in engine temperature is just one sign that you may need to give your vehicle some attention—and not one you’d want to ignore! The last thing you want is your ride breaking down when you have someplace to […]

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Common Automobile Air Conditioning Radiator Repair Tricks and Tips

We all know the saying “you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone”. Of all the myriad things this could be applied to, nowhere is it more fitting than when it is being used to describe your car’s air conditioning and radiator. You might take it for granted when everything is running smoothly, but […]

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Everything You Need To Know About Radiator Repair During This Pandemic

If it’s one thing we know about this pandemic, it’s that everything has been slowed down to a crawl – and in many cases, to a complete stop. Nothing has been able to progress as it used to, and with so many businesses closing shop – whether temporarily or for good – the reasons to […]

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Contact Information

Toll Free:  1-800-661-8620

Our Address

  • 4420 Blackfoot Trail SE
  • Calgary, AB T2G 4E9

Hours of Operation

7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
7:00 AM 5:00 PM
By Appointment Only

Where to Find Us

You can find us on Blackfoot Trail right before 42 Ave. SE. You won’t miss our sign! We look forward to seeing you at City Wide Radiator.

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